214 West Houston Street, NY, NY 10014 (212) 337-9400

Social Services

At West Village Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, we recognize the importance of addressing the diverse social and emotional needs of our patients and residents as they progress through their rehabilitation. Our dedicated team of social workers and support staff is committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive social services to enhance the overall well-being and quality of life of those we serve.

Key Components of Our Social Services:
  1. Emotional Support: We offer emotional support and access to services to individuals and their families, helping them navigate the challenges and transitions associated with healthcare and rehabilitation.
  2. Care Planning: Our social workers collaborate with healthcare professionals to develop individualized person-centered care plans that consider not only medical needs but also social, emotional, and psychological aspects to provide holistic care.
  3. Resource Coordination: We assist patients and families in accessing community resources, financial assistance, and support services, ensuring that they have the necessary resources to aid in their recovery and well-being.
  4. Patient Advocacy: Our social workers serve as advocates for patients, helping them communicate their preferences and needs to the healthcare team and addressing any concerns or issues that may arise during their stay.
  5. Family Engagement: We encourage family involvement in the care process and provide guidance on how families can support their loved ones during their healthcare journey.
  6. Discharge Planning: Our team assists with discharge planning, helping patients and residents transition to their next level of care, whether it be returning home, moving to an assisted living facility, or other arrangements ongoing care.
  7. Behavioral Health Support: We offer behavioral health services and support for individuals dealing with mental health challenges, including depression, anxiety, and adjustment disorders.
  8. Advance Directives: We provide guidance on advance care planning, including discussions on goals of care and identifying those who can support and help you make those decisions.
  9. Crisis Intervention: Our social workers are trained to provide crisis intervention and support during challenging times, such as grief and loss or family conflicts.
  10. Patient and Family Education: We provide education to patients and their families about available resources, rights, and responsibilities to ensure informed decision-making.
  11. Cultural Sensitivity: We respect and honor cultural diversity, tailoring our services to meet the unique cultural and religious needs of our patients.

At West Village Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, we believe that social services are an integral part of the healthcare journey. Our dedicated social services team is here to provide the support, guidance, and resources necessary to promote the well-being, dignity, and quality of life of our patients and residents.

If you have any questions or require assistance with social services, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your comfort, peace of mind, and overall satisfaction are our priorities.